(843) 324-4926
We’re so glad you’d like to help! The new Cultural Arts Center will host national, international, and local cultural programs such as performing artists, bands, operas, Broadway shows, musicals, chorales, and orchestras. Its dinner theater will host intimate shows, solo artists, plays, dances, and provide career opportunities in the culinary arts. Its studio spaces will offer educational classes in painting, drawing, woodworking, photography, pottery, music, film making, dancing, and all facets of creativity. Its outdoor amphitheater and sculpture garden will provide a public gathering space with natural beauty and serenity.
To help us make it happen, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the CAC. The CAC is an established 501(c)(3) organization, and we greatly appreciate your support of any amount.
Please click the DONATE button to make a secure donation.