Cultural Arts Center

  • Lobby during the day.

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  • Lobby during the night.

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  • Theater and Balcony

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  • Theater and Orchestra

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  • Studios

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Shirley B. Berardo

February 9, 2024

Artistry is a necessary and essential element of human existence. It is so essential that research proves the quality of human life can be measured by the degree to which the artistic impulse is encouraged. In other words, the quality of our communities can be measured by the degree to which they embrace, support, and promote the arts. The arts bring one to a peaceful place within and build confidence and well-being while expanding the mind intellectually. Perhaps most importantly for us is medical research proves Arts exponential development of emotional and social levels. 


The Tri-County area has concentrated on developing housing and attracting industry. Four years of dedicated effort reveals we’re now gaining more or improving our existing public parks. However, we also need to build our cultural human experience. The cultural arts are vital to the heritage and fabric of our Lowcountry communities, and a Cultural Arts Center will enhance our existing community programs. The proposed Cultural Arts Center will bring arts and culture to everyone in the Tri-County area and beyond, superseding barriers that separate us such as age, differing abilities, gender, race, or socioeconomic status.


The proposed Cultural Arts Center Main Auditorium will offer programs including national, international, and local cultural programs such as performing artists, bands, operas, Broadway shows, musicals, chorales, and orchestras. An adjoining Dinner Theater will produce intimate shows, solo artists, small plays, dances and educational sessions in the arts and music, while also providing career opportunities in the culinary arts. Smaller designed spaces will offer all facets of creativity like painting, drawing, “rug making,” jewelry, woodwork, photography, pottery, needlework, quilting, bead works and more. Additional space will accommodate Lowcountry and visiting music lovers’ lessons. 


What’s next for the CAC? We’re glad you asked! An established 501©3 organization, the Cultural Arts Center has an immediate need for buildable, donated land. Based on the current project scope, approximately 20 acres in the Tri-County area would be necessary to accommodate the facility, entry and egress roads, parking, and outdoor programming. Ideally, land would be situated near a highway with access to public transportation, yet sufficiently spacious for seasonal outdoor concerts. Once land is donated, the fundraising can begin. 


Over sixty-plus organizations are anxious to augment their programs through participating in partnerships/collaborations with the Cultural Arts Center. Those who work with children and adults in stress can enhance their client’s well-being and confidence through music therapy and/or art lessons and programs. Moving forward, additional programs beneficial to enriching the individual and community, will be added to meet participants and member interests.   


We ask how you see yourself participating? In what program offering would you, your family, friends, group, or organization participate. Your recommendations and participation are a must to ensure our programs meet your requirements. We will bring this project to fruition through your Charter Membership, donating, or volunteering! Needed immediately are grant writers! When donated land is received, fundraising, and marketing our concept to investors such as corporate/business/individuals will begin. Have received $10,000, and $3,000 from anonymous donors, plus a company donated $250 and $500 products for auction. It is an exciting time!


Additional detailed information may be found by reviewing our Cultural Arts Center Power Point Presentation on our website at 

For further information, membership, offer of land, questions, please contact Shirley B. Berardo, Cultural Arts Center President at or call 843-324-4926. 

Here is the 26 page PDF presentation our Executive Director uses to tell local groups about the CAC.


The Cultural Arts Center (CAC) – An entity which provides the highest level in a unique learning environment where children and adults of all walks of life, experience innovative, creative arts/history programming and measurable educational improvement experiences. These programs enhance their long-term quality of life while helping prepare the way for them to play, learn, love and work as indispensable members of our community. 

Basic Beliefs

The Cultural Arts Center (CAC) will provide quality:
  • Technological and educational advances and methodologies based in  compassion, dedication and achievement.  
  • Educational and entertaining programs to all income levels.  
  • Mental and physical, with differing abilities, enhancing programs. 
  • Educators, physicians, internships and apprentice programs, encouraging and enabling students to be their very best. 
  • Livability enhancement through self-sustaining programming.
  • Respect for self and pride in educating others be paramount in establishing a CAC quality program.
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